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We are less than 10 days away from the end of our fall campaign and you’ve helped us get to 80% of our goal. Through your support over the last 42 days we’ve been able to put funds toward our October SaveSyria and weekly SaveRohingya missions and plan resources for our upcoming three missions in November.

But our work is not yet done – can you help us secure an additional $20,000 so we can continue to help patients like Salah?

Salah, a Syrian refugee in Jordan, lives in a world where even in good health, day-to-day life is a struggle. Where a 33-year-old day laborer only seeks help after three years of symptoms turn into visible signs of internal bleeding. Here, in the absence of income and resources, local doctors prescribe smoking as a stopgap solution to gastrointestinal issues and flare-ups. Imagine having pain so intolerable that the side effects of a solution like cigarettes become negligible.

Think of the closets filled with samples in doctors’ offices, or store aisles filled with medications across our country, that we take for granted.

Thankfully, IMANA supporters have a firm belief that you should love for your neighbor what you love for yourself. Thanks to your support, volunteers like Dr. Naznin Jamal are able to give personalized attention to patients and hand-deliver much needed medical aid. Salah will no longer have to rely on the life-altering temporary relief that cigarettes would provide.

“It was heartbreaking to me to feel this patient had no other choice but to smoke in order to find some resolution or treatment for his symptoms,” said Dr. Naznin Jamal, the IMR volunteer who treated him. “I felt that although I was only there for maybe a few minutes for their life, they treated me like I was the first person to listen to them for a very long time. Because I was there to listen, the patients were more likely to listen to me as I counseled them.”

The patients our volunteers see are in dire conditions – they have little to no resources and are often without family and support networks we routinely take for granted – the help provided through IMANA Medical Relief truly makes a great difference in their lives.

Your support helped Salah this fall. Let’s work together to aid many more like him.



101 W. 22nd Street, Suite 104, Lombard, IL 60148
Phone: 630-932-0000
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