IMANA Community Grants

January 28th, 2021

Here at IMANA, when we dream….we dream BIG.

Over the years, we’ve been a part of great conversations – dreaming of the first Muslim hospital, mobile healthcare units, and free clinics across the country. Collectively, we’ve envisioned how these accomplishments aid in the epic journey of reaching the day when there is equity in healthcare.

In 2021 IMANA is focusing on the power of association. As a single unit, every good deed has an impact. But when those small, individual components get woven together, we begin to build strength, connection and move the needle.
Many of you across the nation are already working on achieving these dreams. And we want to help!

Building upon the visionary leadership of our founders and the heritage they created, IMANA is mobilizing our endowment funds to offer grants in two areas.

We welcome requests for short term (1 year – 2021) support for projects aligned with the mission, vision, and direction of IMANA. In 2021, we will prioritize projects that improve health, wellness, and the quality of life through a holistic approach in direct service and focus on marginalized communities. The application deadline is February 28, 2021. We will consider requests of up to $10,000.

Apply today, and let’s work together to make the world a healthier place!

