Our fall campaign ends this week. At 92% to target raised we are just $8,000 shy of our goal. Your support empowers IMANA to strive toward a world in which the Muslim American community is known for creating equity in which everyone has access to medical care. With each patient we treat together, we get one step closer to realizing this dream, Insha Allah.
A 23-year-old Christian man from southern Punjab in Pakistan recently sought treatment from one of our IMR programs credited with giving the gift of sight to nearly 4,000 annually.
This man, poor, blind, and unable to afford surgery on his own, had given up hope. This procedure was, in a way, a last chance for him. About to remove the bandages from his eyes, the surgeon asked him who he wanted to see with his newly-restored vision.
Think about it – what would you have said? A parent? A spouse? Children? Other loved ones?
This man, now hopeful due to the compassion of IMANA supporters, said that prior to this day he had wished to see the angel of death – but now he is going to see the angel of life – and that is now his utmost desire.
Dr. Dogar, the surgeon, is one of IMANA’s most dedicated volunteers. He spends 15-20 days a month away from home providing free cataract surgeries to the needy. Touched by his patient’s response, he humbly told him that his patients are indeed the angels of mercy, giving him a chance to serve humanity.
Dr. Dogar speaks to the hearts of our IMR physicians. So many of them, despite providing transformational care on their missions, feel that they are the true beneficiary.
It’s through your generosity that we are able to progress toward this vision – in a country such as Pakistan – helping individuals and communities who normally would not receive care.
The earthquake of 2005 brought great attention and support to the region. But long after others had moved on IMANA was still there, supporting new projects year after year. When IMANA teams visit a country for the first time, they look at the immediate needs, but also at the long-term goal of providing sustainable health care over time for the needy. Since then, your support has allowed IMANA to build upon the initial 8 teams in 4 months to provide support in villages and cities across the country:
IMANA villages – adopted villages and schools in affected areas
Operating Room; Intensive Care Unit; Audiology equipment
Establishment of two schools and a vocational center for women
Humanitarian relief for internally displaced persons and in flood-ravaged areas with distribution of tents, blankets, and winter survival kits
Establishment of a blood disorder center, diarrhea center, women and children’s hospital, mobile clinic and remote rural health centers
Fulfillment of basic needs such as lab testing, eyeglasses and hearing aids
Dental care clinics
Purchase of important items such as machines to sterilize equipment and prevent the spread of disease to an ambulance that transports 30 patients daily
Thank you for making this possible with your generosity. Imagine what more we can do together with our eye on the future of Pakistan. Help us raise the remaining 8,000 we need to continue giving hope to our patients.
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