Statement from the National Muslim Task Force and the National Black Muslim COVID Coalition on COVID-19 Regarding Eid ul-Adha
IMANA NEWS Statement from the National Muslim Task Force & National Black Muslim COVID Coalition regarding Eid ul-Adha The National Muslim Task Force & National Black Muslim COVID Coalition July 27th, 2020 The National Muslim Task Force has issued statements...IMANA is proud to #SupportNursesandMidwives
VOLUNTEER STORIES IMANA Is Proud to #SupportNursesandMidwives Qudsiya Siddiqui Feb 26th, 2020 The World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife. Nurses have always been integral members of IMANA Medical...Dispensing rational medicines in Gambia
The Gambia is in the midst of a public health crisis, with a shortage of skilled health workforce and a rapid increase of counterfeit medicines has left the poverty-stricken Gambians with no access to quality medical care.
In recognition of the problems The Gambians are facing, IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) in partnership with The Oasis Initiative organized their first-ever medical mission to the country. Dr. Ghalib Abbasi, Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) from Houston traveled with a five-member volunteer team on an IMR sponsored mission — SaveGambia; to the capital city, Banjul from Jan. 24 – Feb. 1, 2020.