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In the last 2 years, our Catarct Surgery Program has helped thousands of people gain sight. Today we reached a milestone. Operating on patient number 5,000. This elderly woman had bilateral cataracts so severe that she was no longer able to see.
She was operated on and the day after, her dressings were removed with restoration of her vision.
She was overcome by joy as she could see once again. She thanked Dr. Dogar, IMANA and all the donors immensely for helping regain her eyesight, with numerous prayers for all.

IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) remains committed to medical relief work in Pakistan. 5000 patients had their eyesight restored as part of our Cataract Surgery Program. This has been possible due to your generous donations.

Please donate today so we can continue to provide free cataract surgeries to people in need.

Donate today

101 W. 22nd Street, Suite 104, Lombard, IL 60148
Phone: 630-932-0000
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