Pajja’s Story

We believe in a world where one day every child will write their own story.

While providing healthcare our volunteer Dr. Ateka Gunja had an interesting exchange with one of the young patients, nine year old Pajja.

Concerned for her wellbeing – her grandmother walked several kilometers through rough terrain to ensure Pajja would be seen by our team. Pajja’s aches and pains came from being responsible for all housework and care of twenty family members. Unable to attend school, she could neither read nor write.

Dr. Gunja took time to connect with Pajja, and counsel her grandmother on the importance of Pajja’s education. With a bright smile and filled with confidence post-visit, Pajja declared her desire to focus on the arts.

Children like Pajja deserve the right to an education and a healthy, nurturing environment. After all, a person’s well-being encompasses physical, mental and spiritual health.


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