by Kiran F | Dec 13, 2019 | IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) eNewsletter |
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Pajja’s Story We believe in a world where one day every child will write their own story. While providing healthcare our volunteer Dr. Ateka Gunja had an interesting exchange with one of the young patients, nine year old Pajja....
by Kiran F | Dec 11, 2019 | IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) eNewsletter |
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Life saving work in SaveSyria Medical Mission 2019 A shy 13-yr-old Alaa Ali Al-Saleem walked in tow with his mother to our clinic in Amman, Jordan with cold, cough, chest congestion symptoms. While he was four years older than his...
by Kiran F | Jan 10, 2020 | IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) eNewsletter |
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Free Healthcare for The Gambians Did you know… The Gambia is Africa’s smallest non-island and most densely populated country. The national language is English. The economy relies heavily on the production and export of peanuts. It is...
by Kiran F | Dec 11, 2019 | IMANA Events |
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Asalaamu Alaikum, I am honored to write to you about an exciting and important next step in IMANA’s mission to live out our Islamic principles through medical relief, research, and education. Today, we are launching a new...
by Kiran F | Aug 13, 2016 | IMANA eNewsletter |
IMANA’s 49th Annual Convention Survey View this email in your browser Dear IMANA Family, It is with the deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we thank you for joining us at the 49th Annual Convention and Scientific Assembly in Denver, Colorado! It...
by Kiran F | Aug 12, 2016 | IMANA eNewsletter, IMANA Events |
IMANA’s 49th Annual Convention Report View this email in your browser From July 23rd – 27th, 2016, over 100 IMANA members and their families flew in from a dozen different states into Denver, Colorado for a 4-day getaway at IMANA’s 49th Annual Convention...
by gdelgado | Aug 15, 2022 | Awarness, Blog |
TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE Imana – Umrah 2022 15 August 2022 Umrah, roughly translated, means the “minor pilgrimage” and is undertaken by Muslims when they enter Mecca. Mecca is the holiest place on earth in Islamic culture and is located in the Hejazi region in...
by gdelgado | Sep 22, 2022 | IMANA Health |
TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE How Spirituality and Medicine Can Improve Lives 22 September 2022 Advancements in science and technology have allowed us to take a cure-oriented approach to healthcare and have given us the ability to prolong life. However, the physical body is...
by Kiran F | Sep 2, 2016 | IMANA CME, IMANA Events |
Join IMANA at ISNA’s Annual Convention in Chicago View this email in your browser We invite you to join IMANA’ s Medical and Health Program with our accomplished panelists. IMANA CME IMANA will be hosting a 4-hour CME session. The topic will be Preventing and...
by Kiran F | Sep 3, 2016 | IMANA CME, IMANA Events |
Join IMANA at ISNA’s Annual Convention in Chicago View this email in your browser We invite you to join IMANA’ s Medical and Health Program with our accomplished panelists. Today’s Schedule Saturday, September 3rd, 2016 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM | CME 10:00 AM...