IMANA eNewsletter

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Med Students: Check this out!

Are you interested in Islam and Medicine? This II&M Medical Student Internship is a competitive and enrichment program that provides directed learning experiences and stipend support for first and/or fourth-year medical students.

Click for more Information

Umrah Trip
Spiritual Awakenings with IMANA

The Umrah trip with IMANA is coming up in less than 20 days. The Hajj package will be available soon. We’d like to congratulate our past 2016 Hajjis:

Khadija Khan

Inas Hindawi

Melissa Presley

Mohammed Rehman

Javed Siddiqi

Reem Moosa

Gamal Mousa

Faseeha Hashmi

Zeeshan Siddiqi

Youssef Moosa

Still Interested? Call HQ at 630-932-0000

IMANA Cruise
Join Over 300 People 

Over 110 Cabins have been sold, and 300 people have registered for the cruise so far. Reserve your spot before the Cabins are sold out. Come to Join IMANA on a once in a lifetime cruise that will highlight the Mediterranean. There will also be many surprise guests and things to look forward to.

  • 8-Hours of CME
  • Countless activities for children
  • Halal Food
  • Daily prayers | Spiritual Talks
  • Friday Prayers on the ship
  • Optional Tours | Alhambra Palace in Granada | Cordoba
  • Excursions in Italy & France

Submit an Abstract

For more information, contact our IMANA cruise specialists at #800-422-0711

Reserve Cabin Today

The IMANA Multiple Employer 401(k) Plan  

Interested in a 401(k) Plan?  Take this quick survey to schedule a free consultation

  • 3 Shariah Compliant Investment Selections

  • Considerable Cost Savings

  • 27 Individually Selected Institutional Funds that are Best-in-Class

  • ….and more

Click for free Consultation

Evening With IMANA 

IMANA invites you to an enjoyable evening with family and friends! 

SAVE THE DATE because we will be in a city near you for our “An Evening with IMANA” series. Are you interested in networking with other healthcare professionals in your community? If so, join “An Evening With IMANA” to learn more about IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) and IMANA.

Orlando, Florida  – January 28, 2017 
Knoxville, TN | February 18, 2017
Dallas, Texas – February 25, 2017
Long Island, New York – April 29, 2017

This Week’s Ways to Give 
Learn about and join the Student Leadership Committee (SLC)! Giving doesn’t have to be in the form of money. Your time is just as valuable. Learn more about the SLC opportunities with us by clicking the link below. Send in a resume or nominate someone!

Student leadership Committee 

Book Cover Request 
Call for submissions for IMANA’s Book: Serving Faith, Profession and Community 
Several IMANA leaders, members, colleagues and past presidents have contributed to the work for creating a book, “Serving Faith, Profession and Community” to acknowledge IMANA’s 50th Anniversary. We are now searching for themes and book cover ideas. To submit an idea, follow the link below:

Submit a Book Cover idea 

6 Year CME Accreditation Announcement
IMANA Receives CME Accreditation and Accommodation for six years!

We have great news, friends, and family. As of December 5th, 2016, IMANA received its full accreditation for CME with accommodation. This was not easy to accomplish. Now, IMANA is set for the next six years!

Upcoming CME Opportunities

IIIM Article 
Dealing with Death | Amira El Farra

“Handling the practical details of a death may add to the frustration and grief of the surviving relatives or friends if they are not prepared beforehand with the knowledge of what to do. Simply knowing certain facts about what should take place in this circumstance can aid considerably..” Read More 

IMANA Matching Gift Program
Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy – Click Here 

Amazon Smile

Holiday shopping is easy with Amazon’s Holiday Gift Guides. #StartWithaSmile at for your holiday gifts and Amazon donates to Islamic Medical Association of North America Inc.

Text IMANA at 71777 to Donate

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