Orlando, thank you for the warm (literally) welcome yesterday!

You helped us make a difference in the sunshine state! We hope you enjoyed seeing IMANA leadership and our athlete ambassadors.

Plan an event with us

IMANA is growing!
Join our team!

Our organization is growing in order to make an even bigger impact on the world. We are hiring for roles in Washington, D.C. and Chicago, IL.

Click here for more information and to apply

Utah is 194 Days Away

But, who’s counting? Reserve your spot today for just $500. The rest of the 50% deposit won’t be due until March 1.
The mountains await you!

Register today
Ramadan kickoff with IMANA

All proceeds from our Rochester dinner will count toward our Ramadan fundraising. Help those less fortunate, while hearing inspirational words
from champion athletes and Ambassador Shabazz!

Register today

IMANA member in the news

Neurosurgeon Dr. Uzma Samadani’s new device, EyeBOX, can detect concussions by tracking eyes. She was interviewed by CBS New York on how it works.

Watch now

Haiti, Nine Years Later

Yesterday was the anniversary of the massive earthquake that impacted Haiti in 2010. Nearly a decade later, over 50,000 people still reside in temporary housing, and diseases like cholera continue to threaten the island’s public health. IMANA Medical Relief’s SaveHaiti project is our most ambitious and extensive health care project. We’ve been on the ground in Haiti since the earthquake struck, and remain steadfastly committed. Our HOPE clinic serves the local population, and our volunteers visit twice a year to provide medical services.
Here is a poetic reflection called “The Boy That Smiled,” written by past SaveHaiti volunteer Dr. Hamid Kadiwala.

Interested in volunteering?

Click here to update your information

101 W. 22nd Street, Suite 104, Lombard, IL 60148
Phone: 630-932-0000
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