CME Events

What’s New?

Register for our new LMS for CME!

Now you can take courses online and claim CME credit from the comfort of your home! To register or learn more:

About Us

The Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) as a provider of continuing medical education. The ACCME employs a rigorous, multilevel process for evaluating.

IMANA offers live CME activities, including courses, conferences, and workshops – taking place at a specified date, time, and location. IMANA’s long-standing commitment to offering quality continuing medical education for physicians and healthcare professionals reinforces our mission to optimize patient care.

Submit Your Application

Please fill out and send to [email protected]
Generally, applications must be submitted at least 2 months prior to the activity date. Please read through the Steps to Certifying a CME beforehand


Approval of Activity

The Committee will review your application upon submission.

Required Documents & Resources

Once your CME has been approved by the committee, you will be required to fill out a few documents and send them to [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CME?

Continuing Medical Education (CME) is defined as “educational activities that serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a physician uses to provide services for patients, the public, or the profession” (source: ACCME and AMA).

Who is the ACCME?

ACCME is the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education and is the organization that sets the standards for the accreditation of all providers of CME activities.

What types of activities qualify for CME certification?

Although not limited to; IMANA mainly qualifies educational activities for CME certification that are lectures and/or meetings in which learners are physically present.

What type of CME Credit do physicians need?

AMA PRA Category 1 Credit  is the most common type of credit physicians need for medical license maintenance. In order for an activity to be designated for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit, it must be planned by an accredited CME provider.

What is the difference between Category 1 and Category 2 Credit?

According to the American Medical Association, Category 1 CME activities are:

♦  Formally planned activities that include documentation of acceptable needs assessment, learning objectives, educational design, an evaluation method, and disclosure.
♦  Planned and implemented in full compliance with the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support.
♦  Prospectively certified for credit by an ACCME-accredited CME Provider.

Category 2 “self-claim” credits are:

♦  Informally planned physician-initiated activities such as practice-based self-study, consultations with colleagues, teaching, M&M conferences, journal clubs, etc.
♦  IMANA is not involved with planning, certifying, or tracking Category 2 activities.

How do I certify my activity for CME credit?

Contact [email protected] to discuss your activity or call the IMANA Office of CME at (630) 932-0000.

What is the difference between direct, joint, and co-sponsorship?

Direct Sponsorship: A CME activity that IMANA CME develops and implements internally for its own membership.

Jointly Sponsorship: A CME activity that is developed and implemented by two institutions or organizations and only one of the institutions or organizations is accredited by the ACCME. The accredited provider (e.g., IMANA) must take responsibility for a CME activity when it is presented in cooperation with a non-accredited institution or organization. A commercial interest cannot take the role of a non-accredited entity in a joint sponsorship relationship (Source: ACCME).

Co-sponsorship: A CME activity presented by two or more accredited providers. One institution must take responsibility for the activity.

Who needs to fill out a CME disclosure form, and why?

A CME Disclosure form needs to be filled out by all the CME Faculty. That includes speakers, presenters, moderators, activity medical directors, authors, planning commmittee members, etc.

The ACCME requires CME providers to require everyone who is in a position to control the content of an educational activity to disclose all relevant financial relationships with any commercial interest(s) in order to prevent potential bias in the educational content.

Is it okay for a pharmaceutical sales rep to bring in food for my CME activity?

No; pharmaceutical sales representatives or representatives of medical product/device manufacturers cannot pay directly for the food. However, they can provide an educational grant to IMANA in support of the food costs (see ACCME Standard 3).

A pharmaceutical company has offered an educational grant to cover the speaker's honorarium but will "take care of the speaker's travel." Is this okay?

No; the ACCME Standards for Commercial Support require that all support from commercial interests be provided to the accredited CME provider in the form of an educational grant (see ACCME Standards 3.8 and 3.9).

Can a pharmaceutical company choose a speaker at my CME Activity?

No, it is up to the Activity CME Chair to select appropriate topics and speakers for their CME activity based upon the target audience’s educational needs. The Activity CME Chair can request a Speaker List from a pharmaceutical representative and then select an appropriate speaker and topic from the list. The Activity CME Chair should then communicate with the chosen speaker and delineate the learning objectives he/she would like the speaker to address (see ACCME Standard 1.1).

Why do I have to obtain patient authorization or de-identify information for my CME presentation?

In response to growing concerns about keeping health information private, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). The legislation includes a privacy rule that creates national standards to protect individuals’ personal health information.  Patient authorization must be obtained OR information de-identified. The items considered to be identifiers by the federal government and therefore to be removed are extensive—basically anything that could tie the medical information to an individual—including, but not limited to name, address, social security and medical record number, picture of face, any date associated with the individual (admission, discharge, birth, death), and implanted device serial numbers. WHENEVER POSSIBLE, DE-IDENTIFY INFORMATION TO BE PRESENTED AT CONFERENCES. For additional information, visit

Have a question? Get in touch.

Preferred Method of Contact

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Virginia: 9681 Main Street, Suite B, Fairfax, VA 22031






[email protected]

IMANA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to IMANA and IMANA Medical Relief are tax exempt. Tax ID: #36-4166125