Donations to IMANA programs are Zakat-eligible


An estimated 72 percent (1.3M) of those in Gaza are food insecure, and face severe hunger unless we act fast. IMANA Medical Relief (IMR) is partnering with UMR to deliver urgently-needed food packages, enough to feed 12,500 families at a total value of $250,000. Each package feeds a family of five and includes rice, lentils, jam, various canned foods, teas, sugar, cheese, spices, cooking oil, and powdered milk.

Seek the blessings of Allah through helping feed those at risk of starving in Gaza. Remember, all IMANA Medical Relief programs are Zakat-eligible.

A man asked the Prophet (Peace be upon him), ‘Which aspect of Islam is best?‘ He said “Feeding people and greeting those you know and those you do not know.” Narrated by Abdullah ibn ‘Amr {Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Iman, #12}


Help those in need during Ramadan and beyond by volunteering for a medical mission. For more information, click here.

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