Our team of seven volunteers is midway through their medical mission in Amman, Jordan, treating mostly unregistered Syrian refugees living outside refugee camps. The IMR team has treated more than 400 patients in the first two days and is projected to treat over 1000 by the end of the mission.
“Today we went to a small camp for Syrian refugees; as we walked out of our bus we soon saw scattered tenuous tents spread across the desert brightened by beautiful bronzed-faced children kicking around a soccer ball.
One of the children walked up to a translator yelling with enthusiasm, ‘I want to tell you my wishes!’
‘Oh, please do!’ we replied.
‘I want to be a lawyer!’
Our hearts were warmed immediately with hope.”
Dr. Farrah Munir, SaveSyria April 2019 team member
The medicine, supplies, and administrative support are all covered by IMR for all our missions. Your help ensures we can continue to help the Syrian refugees.
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