“The most important shot in golf is the next one.”

The location of our Utah convention, Zermatt Resort, is conveniently located in the middle of three championship golf courses – each course is just five minutes away! You have just five days left to take advantage of $500 registration. Don’t delay – register today!

Golf Activities

In Remembrance:
Dr. Iltifat Ahmed Alavi 

IMANA extends its heartfelt condolences to the family of life member Dr. Iltifat Alavi, who passed away last week. It is indeed a great loss not only for the family, but the entire community, especially IMANA.

Compliance Webinar March 6

Are your bases covered? “10 Steps to Improve Compliance…& Stay Out of Trouble w/ the Government” will be presented by Liles Parker PLLC and IMANA. Learn what you need to do to remain compliant and within the law. Registration is limited; reserve your spot today.


Houston Rohingya Benefit March 23

Hundreds of thousands of Rohingya refugees fled violence in August 2017, finding shelter in the biggest refugee camp in the world. Learn about our volunteers’ work in helping this disenfranchised people and help the cause at this special dinner. Enjoy halal food, networking, and meet former NBA player Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf.

Attend Houston Benefit for Rohingya

2018 Impact Report Now Available!

2018 was a year of growth! Read all about it in the Impact Report, out now! Learn about our fundraising impact, events, and progress in all of IMANA’s programs, including IMANA Medical Relief (IMR).

View Report

Join Us In Rochester April 6

All proceeds from our Rochester dinner will count toward our Ramadan fundraising. Help those less fortunate, while hearing inspirational words from champion athletes and Ambassador Shabazz, daughter of Malcolm X! There will be halal food served and opportunities for networking with colleagues in your profession.

Attend Rochester Ramadan Kickoff

The Future of Health Care

This CNBC article highlights how some big commerce companies can utilize artificial intelligence technology to transform the future of health care delivery.


Our leadership invites you to consider hosting an Iftar in support of IMANA. IMANA will cover the cost of the Iftar, and simply request the opportunity to inform your community about IMANA’s medical relief missions around the world.

Kindly complete the following survey to give input on your interest in hosting an Iftar.

Take the Survey

Online Course by Kiflayn
Islam & Medicine: Modern Rulings – Mufti Sarfraz Mohammed

Practical issues in medicine today will be covered — vaccines, blood transfusions, organ transplants, ventilator machine, contraception, gender
selection, and more.

Learn More and Register

Click here to update your information

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