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Watch IMR’s live telethon Now! 
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Join IMANA Medical Relief on GEO TV now for it’s 5th Annual Live Telethon from 2 to 5 pm (EST). The broadcast is on GEO TV channel (Ch 676) and live stream online on IMANA’s website:

Learn more about our volunteer physicians and healthcare professionals’ life-saving work around the world to provide free healthcare services to under-served populations in the States, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Haiti, Gaza, Kenya, Syria, and Sudan.

Your support and participation in this telethon can help IMANA Medical Relief expand it’s global work to improve the lives of our brothers and sisters around the world! Encourage your friends and family to watch and allocate some of their zakat for IMR. Together we can make a difference!

May Allah bless us immensely in the month of Ramadan.
 ​Call IMR Telethon # 1-855-404-6262

Watch Telethon Now

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